Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Dad's eye

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Dad's swollen eye
Dagan's reaction
Sydney's reaction
We ended up having a pretty quiet day.  My dad got a little too much sun yesterday on the golf course (and maybe a bug bite), so his eye was very swollen.  He could barely see out of it.  He stayed in the apartment all day.  We tried a few home remedies on him.  He had cucumbers, tea bags, and cold compresses on his eye throughout the day.  Plus, he took some meds.  By evening, it was a little better.  Sydney and Dagan could barely stand to look at it.  They both made funny faces of revulsion.  Adam thought he should be called "Winky" because it looks like he is winking.  Adam also thought my mom should have pulled her punch a little.  Needless to say, we were having fun with it.

Dagan was showing him the "Winky" look.
In the afternoon, my mom, the kids, and I went to the beach.  We were only out for 1 1/2 hours with lots of sunscreen and still got a little pink.  It is amazing how careful you need to be in the sun here.

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