Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pebbly Beach

Saturday, January 19, 2013
Mom and Dad by the beach

Dad jumps out in his red shirt.
Exploring the tidal pools
We headed south this morning.  We were going to Bateman's Bay to do some kayaking.  We stopped in Ulladulla on the way to check into our hotel.  Then we went to Pebbly Beach. We enjoyed this beach when we stopped in October and thought my parents would enjoy it, too.  It has a path down to the beach.  It is very rugged.  Mom walked with us over to the rocks/tidal pools.  We saw a few crabs and the waves crashing on the rocks.  There were quite a few bluebottles on the beach, so I took some pictures.  We have to be careful of these jellyfish this time of year.  We've been told they can have a powerful sting. They wash up on shore periodically.
Sydney was waiting for a big splash.  Can you see one?

Adam, Sydney and Dagan
One of the crabs we saw.
After exploring the beach for awhile, we got back in the van and drove to Bateman's Bay.  We had some lunch before my mom, the kids and I went on our kayak trip.  I will blog about it later because the company hasn't posted the pictures of the trip on their website yet.

A bluebottle
 Adam and my dad picked us up after our trip.  We drove back to Ulladulla.  The kids swam in the pool awhile before we went out for dinner.  We went to this place called the Millard Cottage.  It was a fantastic dinner.  One of the nicest we've had in a long time. 

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