Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We've had a quiet two days.  We had a storm roll through this afternoon.  We played lots of games. After our busy weekend, we seem to need a day or two to recover.

The rainbow was too big to take a picture of the entire thing.

Sydney looking at one end of the rainbow.
The other end of the rainbow
This evening Adam and I went to see a movie.  While we were gone my parents, Sydney and Dagan went out for ice cream.  On their way home, they saw a rainbow.  When they got back to the apartment they took some pictures.  They were excited telling us about it because they could see not only the entire rainbow, but a second one. 

Dagan took a picture of the sunset over the escarpment.
The rainbow went right through the freighter.

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