Friday, January 25, 2013

Orange Belt Exam

Friday, January 25, 2013

Today Sydney and Dagan had their belt exams. They both made their beds and ate a good breakfast to start the day out right. This is part of preparing for their evening belt test.  They went to a movie with my dad this morning. Then we went for lunch at the farmer's market.  My mom and I wanted to try the Turkish gozleme.  We decided this wasn't the best idea.  I didn't finish mine.   Neither of us will be ordering it again.
Sydney with her certificate

Dagan, my dad, and my mom
We headed to the belt exam early. Dagan and Sydney wanted to prep for their test.   Dagan's group went first.  He did very well. He put forth a lot of effort and answered the oral part correctly. Sydney did well, too.   She needs to work on her push ups a little; otherwise, she knew her pattern and oral material.  Both were proud to earn their yellow belts. They were glad my parents were there to support them.
Dagan with his certificate

Sydney, my dad, and my mom

1 comment:

  1. First, congratulations! But yes, I'm confused. Did you earn your orange belts or yellow belts? Sorry I'm a little slow!
