Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dolphins and Tidal Pools at City Beach

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The dolphins are in front of the freighter.
Can you see the tail?
We got one dolphin jumping.
This morning as I was eating breakfast I noticed something in the water.  At first, I thought it was surfers, but then realized it was dolphins.  We used our spotting scope to get a good look at them.  We watched them until they swam out of view.  About 5 minutes later, they came back.  Dagan, my mom, and I walked quickly down to the beach.  We were able to watch them in the water from shore.  It was really neat.  The funny thing was yesterday my mom was asking when we had seen dolphins before and why we don't now.  I wasn't sure if they migrated with the whales.  We hadn't seen any for a few months.  There were probably about a dozen dolphins swimming around.  What a great way to start the day!
Dagan and I were taking pictures.  One of us got this one.  We both like the reflection of the sun on the water.
Our dragonball
For lunch, we went to Jasmine Rice for Thai food.  It was delicious.  My dad wanted to try a dragonball for dessert which is fried ice cream.  All of us decided it was interesting.  We just couldn't figure out what was in the outside coating.

After lunch, we relaxed in the apartment.  It was pretty hot outside, so we decided to head to the water in the evening when it would be cooler.   My parents are enjoying our balcony.

Mom enjoying a book.
Dad getting in a nap.
a view of Wollongong
 The kids and I took my mom to the lighthouse and tidal pools after dinner.  It was a very pretty night.  We took the walking path there and walked on the beach on the way back.  We saw lots of crabs because we were able to walk on rocks that are usually covered with water.   We'll have to come out again in the evening.
Climbing to find another good spot.

Enjoying the view
A couple of the many crabs we saw tonight.

Look at his face.  Something good must be in that tidal pool.
Doesn't she look like a camp counselor?

The three of us heading for home
I wanted a picture of the sunset and the three of them.

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