Thursday, January 10, 2013

Lunch at Wollongong Harbour

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My parents looking out into the harbour.
We decided to go out for lunch today at Wollongong Harbour.  Dagan has been wanting to try out this restaurant called Bombora because it has a waterfall in it.  We were hoping to catch the free shuttle over to the harbour, but it ended up not coming to the stop we thought it would, so we walked the whole way.  Sydney was able to show my parents her school because we walked right next to it on the way to the harbour.  Everyone but my Dad had some type of fish for lunch.  We need to convince him to order the fish and chips next time.  After lunch, we walked down to look at the pelicans and the fish market.

You can see the swimming area behind Sydney and my Dad.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a close up of the pelican! So, do they really sound like they do in Nemo??? MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE?????? Can you record them for me??? Wait, Taylor said maybe the seagulls said MINE MINE MINE MINE....guess we both better brush up on our Disney movies!
